Daily Archives: March 28, 2022
The Benefits of Sweet Potato for Bodybuilding
They are on the menu of almost every bodybuilder: sweet potatoes, or ‘yams’ (although that name is not officially correct). In the US, they are traditionally eaten at Thanksgiving. What is it that makes this sweet potato so popular among bodybuilders, aside from taking steroids Canada bodybuilders prefer? And why don’t they eat ‘regular’ potatoes?
Although they are both root vegetables, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, or sweet potatoes, do not belong to the same family. The ‘ordinary’ potato belongs to the nightshade family and the sweet potato to the wide family. In taxonomy, they are only related at the level of the order, one step higher than family. Just like tigers and domestic cats.
But why are they a popular carbohydrate source for bodybuilders? What does the sweet potato have for the ordinary beeper? In the first place, that is his glycemic index. On top of that, sweet potatoes contain more dietary fiber and more vitamins.
Among other things, dietary fiber and its complex carbohydrates, the sweet potato owe its low glycemic index (GI). Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are less likely to be converted by the body into glucose and cause a less abrupt rise in blood sugar levels than carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which are rapidly converted into sugars and cause huge fluctuations in your blood sugar, which can reduce your insulin resistance.
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In comparison, potatoes have a GI of 60, sweet potatoes have a GI of 50, just on the border of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ carbohydrates (slow and fast respectively). Sweet potato contains on average 2 grams more dietary fiber than a regular potato. In terms of carbohydrates, proteins, and caloric value, they hardly differ from each other.
On some points, especially minerals, the common potato beats the sweet potato, but often the difference is marginal. The sweet potato more than makes up for that difference with its high levels of vitamins A, E, and beta-carotene. From the latter, the sweet potato derives its characteristic orange color. Beta-carotene, or pro-vitamin A, is converted into vitamin A in the body and is important for the immune system. It probably also has an antioxidant effect, which means that it protects cells and tissues from the harmful influence of free radicals.
Sweet potatoes, therefore, have a lot to offer. They are, as their name suggests, indeed a bit sweeter than regular potatoes and therefore, according to many people, tastier. They are therefore also very tasty in salads.
Should you eliminate white potatoes from your diet and replace them one-on-one with that weird orange sweet potato? Well, no. White potatoes are a great ingredient for a post-workout meal, a meal that you eat right after your workout. But at any other time of the day, it is indeed better to eat sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes are nowadays ‘just’ available in the supermarket and otherwise, you will find them at the supermarket, or online!
The Link Between Your Health and Body Odor
If your stool most likely does not smell like dandruff, you like to spray a little deodorant under your armpits every day, wear a perfume such as the Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 when going out, and use the toothbrush through before you go to bed, that is not so strange.
Body odor is very normal, but did you know that this can also tell you a thing or two about your health? For example, when is bad breath normal and when is there more to it?
What does your body odor in the form of sweat say about your health?
When you think of body odor, you probably quickly think of sweat. Your sweat itself is odorless, but through contact with bacteria on the skin, it gets a smell. These bacteria convert sweat and waste products into other substances. And there’s a smell to that. The smell of sweat doesn’t necessarily have to say anything bad about your health. But does your sweat smell like vinegar? Then that could indicate an underactive thyroid gland. Especially women over the age of 40 excrete excess acids through their sweat glands in this case. In addition, with more acidic smelling sweat, there may be something wrong with your kidneys. Finally, your body odor during menopause can also smell stronger than usual and you can sweat more.
Stinky feet
Do your feet smell like cheese? Then there is a good chance that you have an athlete’s foot. You can often recognize this by a gap or lose sheets on your foot and a damp white spot where the fungus originated. If you do not treat this, red scaly spots, blisters, and pimples can develop and the calluses of your foot often become thicker.
Earwax, like sweat, is also basically odorless. If you do smell something, it could indicate an ear infection or a blocked ear. In this case, contact the doctor.
The smell from your belly button
If you suddenly smell a strong body odor from your belly button and pus comes out of it, it can reveal about your health that you have inflammation. More than two thousand bacteria can live in a belly button, but on average there are about 67. It is therefore not a superfluous luxury to clean it well every day to prevent navel inflammation. Especially if you have a deeper belly button with many folds. Cleaning is best done with soap and water and possibly a cotton swab. Especially people with a navel piercing and people with diabetes are more at risk of inflammation.
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Bad breath
That you do not smell so fresh from your mouth in the morning, is very normal. This is because you produce less saliva at night. That saliva normally ensures that the bacteria that take care of those nasty smells do not stand a chance. In addition, when you are hungry, thirsty, or have foods such as onion and garlic, you can smell less fresh from your mouth. Do you still suffer from bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth at another time? Then that could indicate, among other things, a sinus infection (infection of a nasal sinus) or you can have gum disease. Also in Sjögren’s syndrome – an autoimmune disease in which the tear and salivary glands are inflamed –, bad breath is a symptom. Furthermore, this can also indicate diabetes, pneumonia, or liver and kidney problems. Does your breath smell like rotten eggs, are you often tired and do you snore? Then it could also be a sign of sleep apnea.
Strong urine smell
Yet another body odor that can tell you a lot about your health is the smell of urine. With too little fluid absorption or with a lot of fluid loss, your urine is more concentrated and smells stronger. Furthermore, certain foods, such as asparagus, can make your pee smell different. Does your urine smell like ammonia? Then you probably eat (too) much protein. Does your urine have acetone or does it smell sweet and fruity? Then it can also be a symptom of diabetes.
Smelly stools
Logically, your poop does not smell like florets, but smelling bad is not healthy either. Does your stool smell very strong and do you also have other complaints such as nausea, a bloated stomach, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea? Then it may be that bacteria or parasites cause the smell. It can also be a sign that nutrients are not absorbed properly. This can be due to a gastrointestinal infection or an intestinal disease such as Crohn’s disease or celiac disease.
The smell of your vagina
Finally, the smell of your vagina can also tell you how your health is doing. This smell can change with sweat, sex, or your period. Did you leave a tampon on for too long or did you not wash your vagina properly? Then you can smell a stronger vaginal odor. Does your vagina smell fishy or does it have another foul smell? Then it can also indicate an infection. For example, if this is accompanied by abnormal discharge, itching, or a burning sensation, it may be bacterial vaginosis. Also, the Candida albicans fungus can cause a vaginal yeast infection.